In this article we’ll explore whether you take of the world or whether you give (whether you’re a reaper or a sower!). And what is really going on with the giving or taking…

For most of my life I lived with the concept of Karma. “If I do good for others, good will come to me.”
A lovely idea. Except when taken from the level of identity; from the level of need and desire and separation. Which meant that the sneaky under current was an agenda. An agenda to get what I wanted by doing ‘nice’ things for other people.
What are your acts of kindness…really?
I didn’t realise this until a few years ago. I thought all my acts of kindness were genuine acts of kindness. Which they may have been except for the fact that deep down I wanted something back. Sound familiar if you’re honest?
Yesterday, I finished reading ‘Prosperity Consciousness’ by Frederick Dodson. In it he talks about reaping and sowing and I realised that a fundamental shift had taken place.
When I had the realisation that I was doing good to get good back I questioned how it would be to do good just because. Just for the hell of it. And so I started to play with that.
Sowing for the fun of it…
I started to ‘sow’ just for the sake of it. It has been incredibly fun and the response from the apparent world has been nothing short of astounding.
In his book, Frederick says the following:
“People who judge the day, life and themselves by what they reap are usually poor, while those who judge the day, life and themselves by what they sow are usually rich.
Being focused on the reaping means being focused on things such as:
– what am I going to get out of it?
– what am I going to get?
– what can I take?
– where is the money?
– how do I get money?
– how many customers/clients/followers can I get?
Being focused on what you sow means being focused on things such as:
– what can I give?
– what would I enjoy producing?
– what would I enjoy creating?
– how can I be of service?
– how can I improve my offerings?
– what can I do for you?”
Exploring reaping and sowing…
He follows by giving an exercise which I love.
“Write down 5 things you have wanted. Then think about how you could give these 5 things to others and write them down.”
Are you are reaper on a sower?
What would being a sower look like for you? What 5 things could you give the world today that you desire for yourself?
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