What do you want in life? To be ‘ordinary’ and ‘normal’ or ‘extraordinary’ and ‘different’? Life is clearly not that black and white but in this article I encourage you to be curious about what you really want and what you are currently creating…

It occurred to me this morning as I was out on my little morning jog around the village that I’ve never wanted ‘ordinary’ and I’ve always been a little ‘different’.
As I ran past the school breakfast club in the dark I observed the mums and dads dropping their little kids off, scurrying back into their cars to rush off to work. And I questioned, what’s that all for? Don’t get me wrong – I’ve done it and I completely understand how we end up doing it – but why?
Because we’ve all bought into what society calls ‘normal’.
What is ‘normal’?
You go to school, do as well as you can so that you can go to college to get the next qualification that will get you into a job that you hope to have until retirement without running into too many obstacles; the job means you can pay the bills and buy the things that society says you ‘must have’; you get married; have some children; work hard to pay for their education so that they can get a job until they retire.
When you retire you will be happy and free to live how you want to live.
And then you die.
Sorry if that’s depressing but that’s how it looks. It’s bloody bonkers!
What do you really want?
So what is it that we all really want? If we are completely honest for a moment. What do you really want? What is all the work and running around for?
It’s worth stopping for a moment to ponder that. And perhaps to notice that when you do stop you actually have what you’re looking for, already.
In this very moment.
When the mind stops with all its stories of needs and fears…
Because I think most of us are looking for peace; for freedom; for contentment. Which is right here, before the mind takes us out of it with thoughts of ‘not enough’.
I don’t want ‘ordinary’ and I don’t want to be ‘normal’.
You create reality…
I like to question what’s going on and I like to play with the idea that I create my reality, depending on what I pay attention to.
As an example, I’ve always chosen to believe that people are ‘good’ and ‘kind’. The exceptions to that I choose not to pay attention to and what I see in the world, over and over again, are good and kind people and people wanting to help me.
As a consequence of believing that, I’ve done things in my life that I wouldn’t have done had I believed that people were ‘bad’ and ‘out to get me’; I’ve travelled alone in developing countries worked on the streets and in hostels with homeless people and spoken to thousands of ‘strangers’. I’ve allowed ‘intuition’ to keep me ‘safe’.
What ‘reality’ do you want to create?
So what reality do you want to create? One where you do a job you don’t really like until you can retire and then live; or one where you play and have fun (aka work) while following the breadcrumbs of life?
Do you want to be ‘ordinary’ and ‘normal’ or ‘extraordinary’ and ‘different’?
We need people to step up and be ‘different’.
Imagine a world without ‘different’ people…there would be no cars, no light bulbs, no mobile phones, no internet…the people who invented them didn’t follow societal expectations and ‘norms’.
I want to be like them.
Let’s talk…
If you are like me and are yearning for something different in life then get in touch and lets explore what’s possible (or perhaps seemingly ‘impossible’)…
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