In this article I’m going to explore the source of true happiness and how to find happiness within yourself.

Life; the force within and the keys to happiness
It occurred to me while out jogging this morning that happiness is like a spring inside us. It’s just bubbling underneath the surface, waiting to burst forth.
I know it may not feel like that most of the time. When we are experiencing depression, anxiety, sadness or worry, happiness feels like a long way away. Like something that is impossible to obtain.
But here’s the thing. It cannot be obtained. Because happiness is what we are.
Bear with me here…
All of us are alive. We are all ‘plugged into’ the same energy. To the same intelligence that created us; that knows how to ‘work’ us; that IS us.
As I looked around me I saw evidence of life living, despite the odds. Despite the terrible conditions.
The newly ploughed field where soon seeds will spring forth into plants. They appear despite having the seemingly impossible task of working their way through heavy clods of soil.
The bluebells clinging onto a steep bank. Alive and kicking despite the lack of soil and precarious angle.
And at home, the orchid that is coming into flower despite me never looking after it, and only having one leaf.
Or the blue tit’s that are nesting in a tiny crevice in our chimney breast; barely big enough for them to squeeze into.
Everywhere we look (if we open our eyes) there are clues to life being unbreakable; to life being uncontainable.
But we think we are different. We fail to see that we are that same life force, straining to be let free.
That our true nature is well being; happiness; joy; peace and love. It’s the gift we were born with and it never went anywhere.

How to find happiness
So how on earth do we find the happiness that lies within when we feel so far away from it?
Well the answer is so simple. So simple that we often miss it.
We are happiness.
The clue is that we were born with it. Have you ever seen a baby unhappy? I mean, yeah they cry, but are they unhappy other than for a moment when they want food, or a change; a cuddle or pain in their tummy?
Are they unhappy because they threw up on someones back?
Are they unhappy because they can’t walk?
No, they are responding moment by moment to physical stimuli; never to a thought-created problem.

What is a thought-created problem?
Just as it sounds, a thought-created problem is a problem created through thought.
And boy are we good at making those.
Let’s put it another way.
An event happens.
That is the fact – like the baby being sick on someone’s back.
The baby would have no response to that, however as an adult if we were sick on someone’s back we would likely create a story (though thought) about what that meant about us.
So rather than move on, we could easily create a problem from the event.
However, the problem would be entirely created through our thinking. Not from the event itself.
Our experience of life is created through thought
We can see evidence of this when we notice that everyone reacts to events in different ways.
So there are those who are incarcerated in dreadful conditions and yet when released do incredible things; think Nelson Mandela.
While others are released and are never able to fully function.
Same situation, different thinking, different feelings, different experience of life.
Or how about something closer to home…
You go to the cinema with a group of friends. You love the film, another friend hates it, one other neither loved or hated it…
Same film, different experience created through the thinking you’ve had about it.

So back to finding happiness…
There is a paradox here.
The more we try to find happiness the more elusive it becomes. And that’s simply because by thinking about how to find it, we take ourselves away from it.
Imagine it’s like a spring; the start of a river.
Our thoughts act like pebbles, blocking its ability to break forth.
And the more we think about how to find happiness, the more pebbles we pile on top of the spring.
The more we think about our depression, or anxiety or worries, the more we cover over our natural happiness.
When we realise that we don’t need to do that any more the spring can burst forth. And once we understand that we need do nothing; that our true nature is happiness, then the river can start flowing.
If you want to find out more about what I’ve written about happiness then check out my blog entitled The Source of Happiness.
Explore our true nature
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