How many times have you been told that the key to relief from anxiety is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
I’ve even said it myself because it’s what I saw to be true; If I could get comfortable with being uncomfortable then I wouldn’t suffer any more.
Well today I’ve seen something different and the good news is that you don’t have to do this at all. In fact, you don’t have to do anything.
Let me explain what I’ve seen today…
Comfortable is our default
What do I mean by that?
Well I mean that before all that noise in your head tells you that something is wrong; that something is unbearable, there is comfort.
It’s what we were born with. It’s our wellbeing.
Our wellbeing is by default a feeling of comfort.
Because without the judgements of our ‘little mind’, every experience is neutral and cannot ever be uncomfortable.

The insight
I want to share what happened to me this morning that allowed me to have this insight.
I was walking the dog and came to a path that I had taken before and had got lost.
Something made me take that path (although I had had no prior intention of doing so). It looked so inviting with the freshly cut grass and expansive views. Although I recalled getting lost the last time I was undeterred.
When I got to the point that I had got lost the previous time, low and behold somebody had hand written some signs to show the correct path. I smiled inwardly with the beauty of this.
After another half a mile or so, the signs stopped and I was back on the Devon lanes with no idea where to go.
At this point my ‘little mind’ ‘ego’ ‘separate self’ what ever you want to call it, started to make a fuss.
“You’ve no idea where you’re going” it said.
“This is irresponsible, you’ve got the dog and she might get dehydrated.”
“You don’t even have your phone, you could be walking for hours…”
And on and on.
The ‘ego’ is trying to protect you…
Ordinarily this might have made me turn back, but this morning was different. This morning, I had a sense of comfort with the uncomfortable feelings that the thoughts were creating within me. (And if you want to know more about how thoughts create feelings then watch this video or join my 5 day e-course).
This morning I sensed the comfort, the peace, the knowing that I was OK. That the ‘little mind’ was just trying to protect me; to keep me ‘safe’, but didn’t need to be listened to.
And what that meant was that I kept walking.
Noticing the discomfort but knowing at the same time that it was being created by my ‘little mind’ doing its best to care for me.
So instead of listening, or getting cross…the two ‘usual’ reactions to this kind of noise, I had compassion. And a deep sense of OK-ness.

Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
So the truth is that we never have to try to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
We are always, in every moment, being looked after whether we know it or not.
The ‘greater intelligence’ behind life didn’t create you from two cells and then forget about you.
The ‘miracle’ that enabled those cells to reproduce and create every part of your body; that knows how to breathe you (do you know how to do that?); that gives you ideas when you get quiet, hasn’t abandoned you whatever it might feel like.
It’s there working to bring you back into your wellbeing, your ‘default’, every moment of every day. And when you stop paying so much attention to your ‘little mind’ (those pesky voices in your head) you’ll gradually notice the quiet knowing within.

Explore inner peace
If you’d like to explore this further then I’m currently offering a free 5 day e-course for you. Every day you’ll be sent a short video via email to help you connect to your inner peace.
Find out more and sign up to How To Find Inner Peace.
I love this insight about Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable, because this is were i am at in my life right now. I’d love to hear and learn more about this.
Hi Kellie, feel free to book a free exploratory call with me if you’d like to see if we could work together…