Anxious Child
Our 8 year old has been a little worrier for some time - anxiety has a way of growing and shifting, so her fears have morphed from worries about separation and death to food/drink and anything inbetween. Vicki is trained to work with primary age children on the My Mental Health Rocks programme. Over the past 7 weeks we've noticed a real change in Alanna's behaviour: she is far calmer and expresses an understanding of her own mental health and wellbeing. Such a gift to see her troubles fading! Needless to say Alanna is recognising the benefits herself and does not want the sessions to end (there are 10 in the curriculum). In Alanna's words: "Vicki is showing me how to be calm and is helping me overcome my anxiety. Vicki is fun and explains things well, she is kind and is respectful to all my suggestions". Amazing to see Alanna growing her resilience and wisdom. Thank you!
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